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Franz Artuhr Titles, Movies and Posters

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The Mayor of Hell
YEAR: 1933
Say it With Songs
YEAR: 1929
Say It with Songs
YEAR: 1929
YEAR: 1924
YEAR: 1942
Lady Scarface
YEAR: 1941
A Fool and His Money
YEAR: 1920
The Young Animals
YEAR: 1968
The Lost World
YEAR: 1930
Lilly Turner
YEAR: 1933
British Agent
YEAR: 1934
Steel Cage
YEAR: 1954
The Wild Party
YEAR: 1956
YEAR: 1970
Argyle Case
YEAR: 1917
Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder
YEAR: 1952
Everybody's Doing It
YEAR: 1938
Jungle Patrol
YEAR: 1948
Bobby Ware Is Missing
YEAR: 1955
The System
YEAR: 1953
Anybody's Blonde
YEAR: 1931
Merry Wives of Gotham
YEAR: 1925
Boy Slaves
YEAR: 1939
Nazty Nuisance
YEAR: 1943
Ali Baby and the Forty Thieves
YEAR: 1944
The Spy Next Door
YEAR: 2010
Here Is My Heart
YEAR: 1934
A Scream in the Dark
YEAR: 1943
Trapped by G-Men
YEAR: 1937
Time Bomb
YEAR: 1953
Viewing Results:  73 - 102 / 102010203