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Movie Poster Shop's Robot Domination: The 15 Best Robot Movie Posters

The stories usually all start out the same. Robots are created as a crowning achievement of human ingenuity. Sometimes things go badly ("I, Robot") and sometimes robots are useful ("Robocop"). To coincide with the release of Hugh Jackman’s "Real Steel", we’re counting down The 15 Best Robot Movie Posters.

Editors Note: We decided to include only movie posters that actually featured a robot. Films like "Star Wars" and "Logan’s Run" would not be included in this type of list.

15. Robots (2005)
If you’ve seen the movie, it’s hard not to smile when you see Rodney’s face in this poster. He’s so full of hope and spirit…just like the movie! A great poster for eliciting an emotional response from the viewer!

14. Bicentennial Man (1999)
It’s Robin Williams, and he’s half-man, half-robot! This was actually a touching story about an android working to become human – learning emotions along the way. Williams is great, and the film picked up an Oscar nomination for makeup.

13. Short Circuit (1986)
The Frankensteinesque tagline adds nothing to the poster, but it’s the fun image of Number 5 becoming alive that makes this poster great. Will he have time to convince his creator that he has actually become alive?

12. Surrogates (2009)
Keep in mind we’re rating the posters, and not the movies themselves. Surrogates was decidedly not a great movie, but the poster of a sexy half-woman half-robot lifting her shirt to reveal her true identity is fantastic.

This one gets a nod if only for the TV-show origins. The internet is loaded with TARDIS designs, and mentions of Daleks. While the movie was awful, we love the “angel wings” behind the Dalek, encompassing those that the Daleks seek to control.

Leave it to the Japanese to come up with something this awesome. It’s Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla! In the poster, we’ve got the two titular characters, plus a dragon, fighter jets, and a concerned family with a baby gozilla. That’s pure cheesy poster gold!

9. I, Robot (2004)
We like this poster because it’s 100 percent robot. There’s no mention of Will Smith, or even the movie name. The marketing team was definitely relying on robot-recognition with this poster for the movie, and it works! The NS-5 robot that’s featured clearly shows off the technological advancement of the time…but the “3 Laws Safe” mention at the bottom hints at something more menacing to come.

The Transformers movies have some great posters, but we think this one of Bumblebee staring down the camera with a smoking gun is the best. The otherwise very sweet robot looks positively menacing here, towering over Egypt’s pyramids in the background. ROTF may have not been the best film the series, but this poster takes top slot.

7. Westworld (1973)
C’mon, do we really have to justify this one? It’s a robot-cowboy with half his face missing. That’s an instant movie poster classic! The setting for the movie is fantastic too: an adult-themed amusement park. What better locale for a robot malfunction?! As the tag line reads: “Where nothing can possibly go worng!”

6. Robocop (1987)
He’s part man, part machine, all cop. This 1985 film was nominated for TWO Oscars; proving a badass poster sometimes tells the truth. Peter Weller was great as the titular hero, and criminals everywhere cringed at the powerful steps of the cyborg cop!

5. Forbidden Planet (1956)
We know art is subjective, but this movie poster design is just beautiful! The colorful space and planet design in the background, plus the fantastic robot monster that has the gorgeous Anne Francis in its clutches, all lend themselves to a perfect robot movie poster design. About the only thing missing is some type of laser…

4. The Iron Giant (1999)
It’s really hard to not love everything about this movie – even the Vin Diesel voice. The movie poster is loaded with action, suspense, love and fear…pretty much everything you want from a robot movie. The bond between boy and robot is shown in the poster, as is the paranoia from the government and army. Robots and explosions will always go together in a movie poster!

3. Metropolis (1926)
Metropolis is considered one of the most influential movies of all time. What’s more, it’s held up over time, and the 1927 film remains an excellent watch. The movie poster is superb, with only the robot’s head showing, and all angles pointing downward. Maria, the robot, also serves as Death and the Seven Deadly Sins in the film – a completely beautiful analogy.

As far as robot movie posters are concerned, this is one of the best. By now, everyone is familiar with the Terminator story. The severed “head” of a terminator, held by a human hand, perfectly captures the message of the film: We Fight Back. While Terminator 2 will always be the best of the bunch, this movie poster takes the top honors for the series.

"Finally…a robot movie poster that has everything you could possibly want in the design. You’ve got Gort, a terribly awesome robot with a beautiful woman in his grasp. There are the feeble efforts of the armed forces firing in a futile effort to stop the towering machine, while women flee in terror. The robot is firing a laser at the Capitol building, while a man’s hand palms the earth. And of course, a great tagline: "From Out of Space…A Warning and An Ultimatum!"